Are Your Clients Satisfied? The Importance of Client Feedback

Your clients are satisfied, right? How do you know if you don’t ask? Solving sticky problems and meeting deadlines is essential to any great client relationship, but every so often, you need to ask them truthfully – are they satisfied?

It doesn’t have to cost much money or take up a lot of time (two of the most common concerns) to obtain client feedback. Here are three simple strategies that will result in understanding your client’s needs better and potentially selling more services. You just have to ask!

Leverage email.

Simply email your current clients with a few basic questions about your services and how they are delivered. Be inclusive, and don’t skip past clients. This is the easiest way to test satisfaction. Caution, these messages may be biased toward positive results because you were the person asking, but some information is better than no information.

Use free tools.

There are quite a few options, many of which have questions you can choose from to assemble a quick survey. Select the top three or five things you think are critical, send the survey with a deadline, and sift through the results. You will be amazed at what you can learn.

Subscribe to a platform.

Take it further and subscribe to a survey platform. Although this is more expensive, the option to create a survey and the analysis is much more robust. Once this is programmed, it’s now repeatable, allowing you to do this regularly and get the most out of your investment.

No time? Hire a professional. You don’t have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to work with a consultant. This option can be more affordable than you might think.  

Don’t wait –  start today.

Even the most basic information will help you grow your business. But you must be ready to receive the good, bad, and ugly and act on what you learn. If you have built your business on trust, your clients will feel comfortable being honest and you will benefit from that insight.

Your clients will appreciate that you asked, and you can stop guessing. Win-Win.


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